How to Install and Register AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus Properly on Windows?

The installation of AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus for Windows is very easy. After you step through the purchase process, our system will automatically send the registration info to your e-mail INSTANTLY (NOT within 2 days).

In the email, you will find the registration code and your download link of AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus for Windows.

After downloading the full version of AVS4Mac DRM Remover from the download link you get from your email, you will get an m4vgear_setup.exe file.

Step 1 Double-click on the installation file of AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus to start installing.

Step 2 Follow the instructions to install it on your Windows.

Step 3 After installation, launch the program, click the menu button and choose "register" in the drop down list, there will be a registration popup dialog.

register avs4mac for win

You may input the Registration name and Registration key manually. After input the registration info, click the "Ok" button.

input registration code

Note: From AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus for Windows V5.2.8 (Mac V4.2.3) and later versions, AVS4Mac only supports registration E-mail and code to unlock the program shortly after payment. But if you have purchased the versions before M4V Converter Plus for Windows V5.2.8 (Mac V4.2.3), the previous registration name and code are still valid. You can input the registration name to E-mail window after you upgrading AVS4Mac to the latest version.

Then, there will be another popup dialog showing "Registration key accepted. Thanks for your purchase!".

register successfully

(1)Please make sure that you input the registration info to right program.
(2)The User ID is case sensitive.
(3)The User ID is your registration email address.
(4)Please do not add blank at the beginning or the end of the word.
(5)You can also copy and paste the registration info into the registration popup dialog.

Step 4 After registration, now you can use AVS4Mac M4V Converter Plus to convert iTunes M4V video files without limitation.

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